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Power Your Big Data Career with These Strategies

Power Your Big Data Career with These Strategies

Take a look at any tech trend of 2019 and you can likely find one element at the center of them all: Big Data. With organizations everywhere realizing the untapped power behind their data, the need for top talent to implement transformative Big Data strategies is greater than ever before. In fact, IBM projects that by 2020 there will be 2,270,000 job openings in the data analytics space! But you don’t want just any job.


While your skills as a data professional are in high demand, not all positions are created equal. To secure the ideal position for your Big Data career, you need to stand out amongst the growing number of professionals entering the field. We break down a few strategies to help you do just that. Check it out:


Regularly Refresh Your Skills                                      

Technology is evolving at breakneck speeds and the world of Big Data is no exception. With organizations increasingly investing in the technology we’re likely only witnessing the beginning of Big Data’s rise to the top. So, what does this mean for you securing the ideal position for your career? A lot.


Every day new technological evolutions are taking place, requiring data professionals to take it upon themselves to regularly refresh their skills and add new ones to their tool kit. Luckily, there are many opportunities to advance your skills online and many of them don’t cost a penny.


For example, Udemy has quickly become a trusted tool for IT pros, providing an extensive catalog of courses across the tech landscape. It’s important to stay ahead of the curve and learn the skills that are necessary for emerging technologies. In particular, here are a few of the technologies that companies want in their organizations – and will compensate well for:


  •         Augmented Insights: Gartner predicts that by 2021 75% of prebuilt reports will be replaced with automated insights, further reducing the amount of time it takes for end users to draw conclusions from their data.
  •         Machine Learning: As Siri and Alexa continue to solidify themselves as permanent fixtures in users’ lives, Gartner expects AI will be the most common approach for new data science applications by 2023.
  •        Cybersecurity: With the increased attention to the power of data and the growing prevalence of cloud technologies, Big Data is working alongside another giant in the IT space: Cybersecurity. Fortunately, data analytics technologies can also be used to detect and block security breaches – they just require an engineer who is experienced in both practices.


Showcase Your Work

Even with an arsenal of skills under your belt, prospective employers will be none the wiser unless you work to effectively showcase your knowledge. This is where your Big Data portfolio comes in. Beyond submitting a resume with dozens of bullets highlighting the technologies you have experience in, an online portfolio proves you can actually put these skills to work. While not every position will require a portfolio, providing hiring managers with yours will help you stand out.


If you’re not already active on GitHub, the code hosting platform, today is a good day to start. Engineers across all spaces turn to GitHub to host their projects and to collaborate with others. What kind of projects do you put on your GitHub in the first place? This is where a lot of Big Data engineers feel lost and are tempted to put their portfolio on the proverbial back burner.


Jason Goodman, a data scientist at Airbnb, provides sound advice on this topic. Simply start by proposing a statistical question you actually want to know the answer to, determine the data you need to answer it, use real data, collect it, mine it, perfect your visuals, and voila, you have a GitHub-ready project (okay, there’s a bit more to it, but you get the gist). Once your projects are hosted on GitHub you can easily integrate them with a customized personal website. After a quick Google search of “Big Data Portfolios”, your mind will be spinning with ideas of what direction to take yours.


Share Your Love for Big Data

Finally, to set yourself up for success in the Big Data space, you need to grow and take advantage of your network. While undoubtedly big metropolitans have dozens of regular networking opportunities and tech events, we’re confident you can find something in your neck of the woods.


For starters, check out MeetUp.com, a platform where like-minded individuals plan get-togethers and events around their shared interests. We did a quick search for big data meetups near our home base in Kansas City and a handful of groups popped up. The ideal group for you is out there!


If networking groups aren’t your cup of tea and you just want to learn about the latest and greatest in the space, just search Google for “tech events near me”, and we’re willing to bet you find promising results.


We can’t discuss networking without highlighting the biggest player in the game: LinkedIn. This social platform has made it possible for professionals across the country to network without barriers. Not only is LinkedIn a great way to research companies, connect with recruiters, and look for potential referrals, but there are many networking groups that you can join to discuss tech with people from around the globe.


Work with a Job Search Partner 

While these strategies will position you as a top candidate for the Big Data positions you apply to, there’s still one critical step: knowing what positions are truly worth your while. Let’s face it, your inbox is likely full of messages from recruiters you’ve never spoken to saying they “found your perfect fit!” Finding positions isn’t the problem – finding the right position for you and your Big Data career goals is where the challenge lies. That’s where TriCom Technical Services comes in.


With TriCom, you’ll always have someone in your corner – think of us as your dedicated job search partner. Our recruiters will work closely with you to understand exactly what you’re looking for in your next career move so we can connect you with the position you’ve been waiting for.


Data awaits, don’t let the job search stand in the way. Let’s get to work.


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