IT Staffing Insights & Resources

What Do Candidates Really Want? - TriCom

Written by TriCom Technical Services | October 15, 2020

A 2020 research study conducted by TriCom provides data and insights to empower employers to attract, hire, and retain top technical talent.


One silver lining of the pandemic forcing business in some sectors to move a little slower is that it’s afforded some more time to reflect on everything from the state of operations to culture. The one question we keep hearing from hiring managers time and again is how they can reassure their teams and keep them happy and productive during these uncertain times.

The truth is, these days, with businesses striving to keep overhead costs low, having the right person in the right role is more important than ever. So, when you find your right person for your right role, how do you ensure they accept your offer? And then how do you keep them happy so that they stay?

We thought our business partners would be interested in hearing those answers straight from the source. Our team surveyed 831 consultants – past and present – and asked them what they really want when searching for a job, interviewing, or deciding to stay or leave their roles.

Don’t leave your hiring or employee satisfaction to chance. Download our ebook today and find out why 79% of our respondents said they’re open to considering new opportunities, even if they’re happy in their current role.

Fill out the form below to receive your copy.