IT Staffing Insights & Resources

2018 TriCom Technical Services Minneapolis IT Salary Guide - TriCom

Written by Charlie Fossell | April 04, 2018

The local IT industry might be booming, but that growth doesn’t come without a few new obstacles for companies and IT professionals to overcome when achieving their goals.

65% of tech leaders report that hiring challenges are hurting their businesses. Though tech talent is in high demand, IT salaries only made minimal growth in 2017, slowing the progress of IT careers.

Our 2018 Minneapolis IT Salary Guide provides the information to resolve both problems. You’ll find:

·         An outlook of the local tech sector to help plan your future talent or career plans

·         The four highest demand tech skills to direct your ongoing education or search for new hires

·         Local IT salary data to guide your upcoming salary offers or requirements

Get your copy of the 2018 Minneapolis IT Salary Guide to give you the competitive edge needed to make 2018 the year your goals become a reality.