IT Staffing Insights & Resources

AI Jobs Up 119%. Do You Have the Skills Twin City Businesses Need? -

Written by Charlie Fossell | October 16, 2019

Artificial Intelligence is now at the fingertips of organizations everywhere regardless of their size and industry – including right here in the Twin Cities! With this cutting-edge technology comes the need for experienced technologists to run the show. In fact, according to a major job aggregator, the number of AI-related job postings has increased by 119 percent within the past few years. Do you have what it takes? Below we break down the four AI skills Twin City businesses are looking for on your resume. Check it out:

1)     Machine Learning Algorithm Applications


By 2022, the machine learning market is expected to grow to $8.8 billion from $1.4B in 2017. While these numbers represent the market globally, you bet they’re trickling down to businesses in the Twin Cities looking to optimize their operations. And, love them or hate them, one process lies at the center of machine learning – algorithms.

While standard implementations of machine learning algorithms can be found through libraries and APIs like Theano, SparkMlib, H20, etc. you must also be able to discern an effective learning model for the data and know how different hyperparameters would impact the learning. This takes practice and studying up on the different methods out there – ultimately, you should be able to understand what approach would work well in a variety of different situations, and the pros and cons to each.

Take your skills to the next level:


2)     Data Science Expertise


If algorithms are the respiratory system that artificial intelligence needs to run, data is the oxygen. It’s no surprise that ‘data scientist’ is the hottest tech career out there – according to IBM, there will be close to three million data-scientist jobs by 2020!

Knowing the ins and outs of big-data processing frameworks for extracting information is critical – are you able to explain batch-only, stream-only, and hybrid frameworks? In addition, you need to have a solid understanding of operating systems for running all of these functions (looking at you, Linux) as well as the database from processing all of this information like SQL and Oracle.

Take your skills to the next level


3)     Python for Artificial Intelligence


Any technologist looking to give Twin City businesses a hand with their AI initiatives needs to have deep experience with Python, an object-oriented language that makes data analysis a breeze (or at least a little simpler). Generally, Python presents a streamlined method for writing and debugging code to both seasoned pros and newcomers alike. One of the best characteristics of Python is its popularly across the tech landscape due to its versatility. In other words, having Python on your resume is a buzzword that will catch the attention of IT recruiters. Compared to other languages, Python shines when it comes to rapid outcomes and has more functionality than R, another popular language for AI tasks. All that said, the “right” language is entirely dependent on the specifics of the project. It’s always a good idea to master a few for your toolkit.

Take your skills to the next level:


4)     A Keen Strategic Vision – You’ll Be the Expert!


For many businesses in the Twin Cities, AI is a monumental investment. While refining your skills in the areas above will definitely catch the eyes of recruiters, to truly stand out you need to bring something else to the table – strategy.

Leaders are looking for someone that they can turn to for consult on critical technology initiatives – an advisor who will understand how the investments will impact their bottom line and can provide solutions for saving time and cutting costs. If you’re able to understand the intersection between business and technology, you’ll be invaluable.


Partner with an IT Recruiter in the Twin Cities


While you brush up your AI skills and your resume, our team of technical recruiters here at TriCom is ready to connect you with businesses in the Twin Cities that need your expertise.

Are you a passionate technologist in the Twin City area? Let’s find your ideal position. Search our openings here!